Spurious relationship basically refers to a situation wherein two totally unrelated objects/activities (ice cream and robbery) can be put together as being in a direct relationship with each other. The root cause of the two actions has to be the same (summer) which is termed as the Spurious factor. It directly influences both the objects which together drive one to a conclusion that isn't true. There exists no mutual relationship between the two objects. In the example of ice cream and robbery, summer is the spurious factor that leads to increased ice cream consumption thus making people stay away from their houses for longer periods. Empty houses then tempt burglars to commit crime. Thus summer causes people to have ice creams making them stay out for longer periods thus increasing the chances of break-ins, while it is obvious that eating ice creams has no direct relationship with increased rate of crime. -Akshay Patel/ Lionel
Another example of a spurious relationship (staying on the ice cream theme) would be that as ice cream sales increase, death by drowning also increases. These however may not cause each other, both may be caused by a third variable. Such a variable could be that both ice cream sales and deaths by drowning increase during the hot summer months. -12keys
An example of an overgeneralization would be saying that all dogs are mean based on a few experiences with mean dogs. You have not met all the dogs in the world so you can not assume all dogs are mean and by making that assumption based on a few experiences you are overgeneralizing the dog population. -Shannon Healy
1) Overgeneralization: Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson got charged with domestic violence charges then all NFL running backs do that as well. Selection observation: Drew Brees came back from “career ending” shoulder surgery so all quarterbacks can do that. Illogical reasoning: Drew Brees did relentless rehab on his shoulder, that was the reason he won a super bowl with the saints. Adherence to authority: The captain of my lacrosse team said that salad is gross, so it must be gross. Resistance to change: Eating salad is less calories then other foods, so it must work for dieting. 2) Since my dad and mom graduated from college, then I'm going to have a "high level" of education and graduate from college 3) Staying on the same theme as ice cream. The spurious relationship example I can come up with is as ice cream sales increase, getting hit by a car increases. Where I am from (long island) we have an ice cream truck that drives around. Little kids are coming and going running down the street chasing the truck if the driver doesn’t hear you based on the music the truck is playing to loud. There have been many instances that kids just run around the street in excitement for the ice cream increasing the risk of being ran over by a car.
Overgeneralization: A child takes a difficult math test and jumps to conclusion that math tests are always difficult Illogical reasoning: The child decides to drink 10 cups of Kool-aid before the day of every math test Adherence to authority: The older brother to the child says math is the worst subject to take, then it must be the worst subject. Resistance to change: Math can help students in real-life situations. Selective observation: The child looked over the test once and just left it aside
Suppose there is a negative correlation between low SES and becoming a CEO. A mediating variable that would explain this relationship could be education level. People of higher SES may be exposed to better resources and get a better education/stay in school for a longer duration, allowing them to achieve high ranking positions such as CEOs in their companies.
An overgeneralization is statement that applies an aspect of a certain number of individuals to all individuals in that same group and in a much broader sense. For example, to say that all engineer majors do not go out in college is an overgeneralization based on the observation that many engineer majors spend more time studying than they do anything else. There are surely engineer majors that go out in college so the previous overgeneralizing statement is inaccurate.
An example of overgeneralization is that all teenagers are lazy. While it is true that some teenagers are lazy, there are many teenagers that are not lazy. An example of illogical reasoning might be: If a student decides that he or she needs to wear a certain pair of socks to take a test because they are "lucky".
An example of an overgeneralization is that all women are bad drivers. While it may be true that some women are not good drivers, it is not true to say that ALL women are bad drivers...there are many women that are good drivers! An overgeneralization like this could be due to somebody using selective observation: if they witnessed a few women who were bad drivers (ie: running through stop signs, not yielding appropriately, etc) they could only focus on that which they observed which would lead them to an overgeneralization because of this selective observation. Illogical reasoning could be a woman putting french fries on her passenger seat because she thinks it will make her a better driver. Adherence to authority could be somebody's dad saying "Ugh! All women are terrible drivers!!" The child would then think since his dad said that, it must be true.
Ryan Muscatella Overgeneralizing leads to a significant amount of inaccurate judgmental behavior which is based off of limited evidence altogether. For example, many American citizens tend to be afraid of flying as a result of the terrorist events that took place on 9/11. Coming from a personal experience, since my aunt and cousins are Muslim, overgeneralizing surrounds them at all times. Many people may not mean to think it, but since most of the middle eastern terrorist activities have resulted from Muslim organizations, people seem to think illogically about the matter and come to the conclusion that all Muslims are terrorist. Knowing my cousins and my aunt all of my life, I can certainly tell you that they are indeed not terrorist at all. This, however, does not change the fact that people are afraid to fly or be around people of the Muslim culture based on past experiences. Therefore, overgeneralizing and assuming the entire Muslim population is involved in terrorist activity is just wrong and incorrect. Every individual, including Muslims, is different, therefore, overgeneralizing can cause serious prejudice and even hatred towards a person who may not deserve it in the slightest bit.
1.) Overgeneralization: All men are stronger than women Illogical reasoning: Men think that eating plums will make them weaker than women so they stop eating them. Selective observation: Bob can lift 300 pounds but Shannon cannot. So all girls can't lift 300 pounds. Resistance to change: “Don’t carry that box it’s too heavy for you, let one of the guys do it,” -says employer/parent to girl Adherence to authority: The coach of a basketball team said girls can’t play basketball with the boys since all the boys have more durability and stamina. 2.) One realizes that they are getting fat so they exercise and have a better eating regimen Mediating variable: if they don't exercise they may be prone to diseases like diabetes
3.) The size of someone's left and right foot Spurious relationship: the size of both feet are determined by genetics
1.) OVERGENERALIZATION: A teen is disrespectful towards the parent, the parent concludes that all teens go through a rebelious stage. This is an overgeneralization because the parent build a conclusion based upon the actions of his/her teen child.
ILLOGICAL REASONING: A student believes that using his lucky pencil got him to get a 100 on the AP physics exam.
SELECTIVE OBSERVATION: A man beats a woman in an arm wrestling match, all men are stronger than women.
1) Overgeneralization: All cats are apathetic towards their owners. Illogical reasoning: I can't pet dogs without getting bitten because I own a cat. Selective observation: You only notice when cats are damaging household items. Resistance to change: The cat will always annoy you, so why bother to try to fix its behavior? Adherence to authority: A vegetarian friend who has owned many cats before said it's okay to feed them a vegetarian diet without consulting a veterinarian.
2) Go outside --> Mediating variable: Be exposed to more UVA/UVB radiation --> Get skin cancer
3) The percentage of the population developing seasonal depression and the number of days we get snow. Spurious relationship: Both are influenced by the winter season.
A spurious relationship is when two things are connected when in reality, there is not direct correlation. An example of a spurious relationship is the number of ice creams sold and number of kids drowning in the pool. There is no actual correlation between these two things however the more ice creams that are sold, usually indicate that it is hot out, which leads people to go swimming. The more people in a pool, the more likely it is for a drowning to occur.
Overgeneralization happens when there is an exaggerated application of a stereotype of a large group, such as because this one man is sexist, all men are sexist. While it may seems like this logic makes sense, it is actually grouping potentially non-sexist men into a category just because of that one men. They should not be guilty by association. Selective observation is when you only collect and pay attention to the data that supports your own theory. This is kind of like looking at a study with blinders on, only looking for information that is consistent with your theory. Illogical reasoning is when one jumps to a conclusion that is entirely untrue and makes a connection between two unrelated variables.
Qiao Mi session:0801 1.vegetables are good for heath and an overgeneralization is only vegetables are good for health. 2.Illogical reasoning is: All the students who go to the reviewing class can get A in the exam. 3. Selecting observation is: The people from slum are poor and unhappy so this is a hopeless world. 4.Mediating variable is that the reasons cause a plant die may be because it does not explore under sunshine enough or does not absorb enough water. 5.Spurious relationship is like students' grades are related to the weather on the exam day.
1) An overgeneralization is using small samples of real data to make an incorrect inference. A common overgeneralization is that all engineers have bad social skills.
2) A Mediating variable is a variable that explains a relation or provides a causal link between other variables. Medical care is the mediating variable for the relationship between income and life expectancy. Having money doesn’t make you live longer, but people who have more money have better medical care which results in a longer life.
3) A spurious relationship is a correlation that seems to exist but disappears when you control another variable. An example is owning a Mercedes car prevents type 2 diabetes. Both are related to a third variable, class. Having the money to own a Mercedes usually means also having access to healthy foods and health insurance.
Overgeneralization - A 7ft man averages 30 points per basketball game, hence, all 7ft men average 30 points per basketball game. illogical reasoning - Every time I wear a white shirt the Nets win. Selective Observation - A country observes economic growth when burning masses of oil for energy and conclude that everything should run on oil, but they don't see that it is affecting the environment. Mediating relationship - Drunk driving causes car accidents. But it's the car crashing into a certain object that more accurately causes the accident. Spurious relationship - If you lose your job, you'll have more mice in your house. Your house will deteriorate because of the lack of maintenance caused by the loss of income. Therefore, mice start to live in your house.
An example of overgeneralization would be if a woman gets voted president of a club then only women will get voted president of that club from then on.
An example of illogical reasoning would be that if an athlete eats Wheaties before a game, they will win the game.
An example of selective observation would be if someone chooses to gamble at a casino and loses, all people who decide to gamble will then lose money as well.
An example of a mediating variable in a situation if we said “older people are better drivers” would be the more experience and education. We assume older people are better at driving since they’ve gained more experience and education over the many years they’ve bee driving versus younger drivers.
An example of a spurious relationship would shoe size and reading performance for elementary school students. Those who are older will have a bigger shoe size and will usually be able to read better.
Let's look at the example of the National Chicken Council (yes, this "Council" exists). If you look into their website, they only present information and data that support companies that produce chicken and endorse the consumption of chicken. Some of their articles even establish assertions, such as " The commercial chicken industry, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of all the chicken consumed in the United States, has a program to test every flock of broiler chickens before they go to market" without proper citation or source. This is an example of illogical reasoning and selective observation.
An example of overgeneralization is when you meet one elderly person thats nice and think all old people are nice. An example of selective observation is that if one guy cheats on a girl, all guys are cheaters. An example of resistance to change is seeing someone who doesn't study do well on a test but still believe that all people who don't study don't do well on tests.
Overgeneralization- one pit bull acted aggressively so it is believed all pit bulls are aggressive dogs. Selective observation- deciding it is always more efficient to cook at home because it is cheaper without considering that it is time consuming. illogical reasoning- if you sleep a full eight hours you will like eating cereal. -Christina Asare
An example of overgeneralization is when you see a girl constantly crying, and then assume that all girls constantly cry. An example of illogical reasoning is when you see a dog chasing a cat, and you state that dogs are the most gentle and weak out of all animals. An example of selective observation is when you assume that all boys (if they have girlfriends) are stronger than their girlfriends, and you only look at examples or evidence of boys being stronger than their girlfriends. -Simon Chang
An example of overgeneralization is when you see a yellow duck and assume that all ducks are yellow in color. An example of illogical reasoning is when someone gets a bad grade on a test and you assume the person is naturally stupid. An example of selective observation is when you notice more people ordering chocolate flavored ice cream because it is your favorite ice cream. -Lakshmi Subramanian
An example of overgeneralization is: All pitbulls are violent. Although they are commonly reported as having hurt someone, not ALL pitbulls are violent. Colleen Snitzer
1) Overgeneralization example: An american goes to China and sees asian eating insects and dogs; assumes that all asian eat pets and insects only, not "real food". 2) Example: I get higher chance of getting into University of Maryland because my parents are alumni compared to my friend who's parents attended college elsewhere 3) Spurious relationship: Height and test score where kids who are taller have higher intelligence compared to shorter individuals.
An example of an overgeneralization is when people say that all muslims are terrorists, when really it is just a group of extremists that want to harm people. An example of illogical reasoning is a student wearing a certain ring to exams and thinking that that’s why he passes his exams. An example of a selective observation is when corporations promote their plants in other countries proposing that they are contributing to the indigenous people’s way of life by creating jobs and livelihood, whereas in reality they are actually shrouding the fact that the construction of their plant/factory leveled a small forest and will continue to pollute the native fishermen’s rivers.
Overgeneralization example: Assuming that all policemen are corrupt because of stories of corrupt policemen on the news. Illogical Reasoning example: Assuming blondes are dumb because you heard a dumb blonde joke Selective Observation example: Thinking that all dogs are dangerous even though your neighbor has a very friendly dog
Over Generalization example: You have few Asian friends who are good at math, then you assume that all Asians are good at math. Illogical Reasoning example: You only know guys who play League of Legends, therefore, you assume only guys plays this game. Selective Observation example: You are doing a research on whether or not the antibiotics is successful in preventing the bacteria from growing. For the results, you only focused on the plates that show antibiotic is effective, and ignore the ones that shows antibiotics are not effective.
i. Overgeneralization: All moms are embarrassing. ii. Illogical Reasoning: The more expensive a wedding ring is, the less likely one’s marriage will last. iii. Selective Observation: Political ads only highlighting the good works of one candidate and bad works of another candidate. iv. Resistance to Change: a very religious person’s view on gay marriage v. Adherence to Authority: Listening to your parents because they are your parents even though they might be wrong.
An example of over-generalization is that all male Americans love watching football. Although true that many American males do enjoy watching football, others do not enjoy the sport.
- An overgeneralization could be taking an instance from one scenario of where a cat hissed at you, and assuming that all cats are therefore mean. This is like deductive reasoning. Selective observation could be when an individual only choses to observe things or take note of things to justify their previous opinion. A spurious relationship is when two random things happen at a similar rate. The mediating variable could be what makes those two random things happen together. An example of this would be rape incidents correlating with ice cream sales. Ice cream sales do not cause rape incidents to increase, but rape incidents and ice cream sales do both increase over the summer.
Spurious relationship basically refers to a situation wherein two totally unrelated objects/activities (ice cream and robbery) can be put together as being in a direct relationship with each other. The root cause of the two actions has to be the same (summer) which is termed as the Spurious factor. It directly influences both the objects which together drive one to a conclusion that isn't true. There exists no mutual relationship between the two objects. In the example of ice cream and robbery, summer is the spurious factor that leads to increased ice cream consumption thus making people stay away from their houses for longer periods. Empty houses then tempt burglars to commit crime. Thus summer causes people to have ice creams making them stay out for longer periods thus increasing the chances of break-ins, while it is obvious that eating ice creams has no direct relationship with increased rate of crime.
ReplyDelete-Akshay Patel/ Lionel
Another example of a spurious relationship (staying on the ice cream theme) would be that as ice cream sales increase, death by drowning also increases. These however may not cause each other, both may be caused by a third variable. Such a variable could be that both ice cream sales and deaths by drowning increase during the hot summer months.
An example of an overgeneralization would be saying that all dogs are mean based on a few experiences with mean dogs. You have not met all the dogs in the world so you can not assume all dogs are mean and by making that assumption based on a few experiences you are overgeneralizing the dog population.
ReplyDelete-Shannon Healy
1) Overgeneralization: Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson got charged with domestic violence charges then all NFL running backs do that as well.
ReplyDeleteSelection observation: Drew Brees came back from “career ending” shoulder surgery so all quarterbacks can do that.
Illogical reasoning: Drew Brees did relentless rehab on his shoulder, that was the reason he won a super bowl with the saints.
Adherence to authority: The captain of my lacrosse team said that salad is gross, so it must be gross.
Resistance to change: Eating salad is less calories then other foods, so it must work for dieting.
2) Since my dad and mom graduated from college, then I'm going to have a "high level" of education and graduate from college
3) Staying on the same theme as ice cream. The spurious relationship example I can come up with is as ice cream sales increase, getting hit by a car increases. Where I am from (long island) we have an ice cream truck that drives around. Little kids are coming and going running down the street chasing the truck if the driver doesn’t hear you based on the music the truck is playing to loud. There have been many instances that kids just run around the street in excitement for the ice cream increasing the risk of being ran over by a car.
Overgeneralization: A child takes a difficult math test and jumps to conclusion that math tests are always difficult
ReplyDeleteIllogical reasoning: The child decides to drink 10 cups of Kool-aid before the day of every math test
Adherence to authority: The older brother to the child says math is the worst subject to take, then it must be the worst subject.
Resistance to change: Math can help students in real-life situations.
Selective observation: The child looked over the test once and just left it aside
Ameerat Olatunde
Suppose there is a negative correlation between low SES and becoming a CEO. A mediating variable that would explain this relationship could be education level. People of higher SES may be exposed to better resources and get a better education/stay in school for a longer duration, allowing them to achieve high ranking positions such as CEOs in their companies.
ReplyDeleteAn overgeneralization is statement that applies an aspect of a certain number of individuals to all individuals in that same group and in a much broader sense. For example, to say that all engineer majors do not go out in college is an overgeneralization based on the observation that many engineer majors spend more time studying than they do anything else. There are surely engineer majors that go out in college so the previous overgeneralizing statement is inaccurate.
ReplyDeleteAn example of overgeneralization is that all teenagers are lazy. While it is true that some teenagers are lazy, there are many teenagers that are not lazy.
ReplyDeleteAn example of illogical reasoning might be: If a student decides that he or she needs to wear a certain pair of socks to take a test because they are "lucky".
Alanna Rothman:
ReplyDeleteAn example of an overgeneralization is that all women are bad drivers. While it may be true that some women are not good drivers, it is not true to say that ALL women are bad drivers...there are many women that are good drivers! An overgeneralization like this could be due to somebody using selective observation: if they witnessed a few women who were bad drivers (ie: running through stop signs, not yielding appropriately, etc) they could only focus on that which they observed which would lead them to an overgeneralization because of this selective observation. Illogical reasoning could be a woman putting french fries on her passenger seat because she thinks it will make her a better driver. Adherence to authority could be somebody's dad saying "Ugh! All women are terrible drivers!!" The child would then think since his dad said that, it must be true.
Ryan Muscatella
ReplyDeleteOvergeneralizing leads to a significant amount of inaccurate judgmental behavior which is based off of limited evidence altogether. For example, many American citizens tend to be afraid of flying as a result of the terrorist events that took place on 9/11. Coming from a personal experience, since my aunt and cousins are Muslim, overgeneralizing surrounds them at all times. Many people may not mean to think it, but since most of the middle eastern terrorist activities have resulted from Muslim organizations, people seem to think illogically about the matter and come to the conclusion that all Muslims are terrorist. Knowing my cousins and my aunt all of my life, I can certainly tell you that they are indeed not terrorist at all. This, however, does not change the fact that people are afraid to fly or be around people of the Muslim culture based on past experiences. Therefore, overgeneralizing and assuming the entire Muslim population is involved in terrorist activity is just wrong and incorrect. Every individual, including Muslims, is different, therefore, overgeneralizing can cause serious prejudice and even hatred towards a person who may not deserve it in the slightest bit.
Saron Bizuayehu Section: 0801
ReplyDelete1.) Overgeneralization: All men are stronger than women
Illogical reasoning: Men think that eating plums will make them weaker than women so they stop eating them.
Selective observation: Bob can lift 300 pounds but Shannon cannot. So all girls can't lift 300 pounds.
Resistance to change: “Don’t carry that box it’s too heavy for you, let one of the guys do it,” -says employer/parent to girl
Adherence to authority: The coach of a basketball team said girls can’t play
basketball with the boys since all the boys have more durability and stamina.
2.) One realizes that they are getting fat so they exercise and have a better eating regimen
Mediating variable: if they don't exercise they may be prone to diseases like diabetes
3.) The size of someone's left and right foot
Spurious relationship: the size of both feet are determined by genetics
Kiana Smith 0801
ReplyDelete1.) OVERGENERALIZATION: A teen is disrespectful towards the parent, the parent concludes that all teens go through a rebelious stage. This is an overgeneralization because the parent build a conclusion based upon the actions of his/her teen child.
ILLOGICAL REASONING: A student believes that using his lucky pencil got him to get a 100 on the AP physics exam.
SELECTIVE OBSERVATION: A man beats a woman in an arm wrestling match, all men are stronger than women.
Song Yun 0801
ReplyDelete1) Overgeneralization: All cats are apathetic towards their owners.
Illogical reasoning: I can't pet dogs without getting bitten because I own a cat.
Selective observation: You only notice when cats are damaging household items.
Resistance to change: The cat will always annoy you, so why bother to try to fix its behavior?
Adherence to authority: A vegetarian friend who has owned many cats before said it's okay to feed them a vegetarian diet without consulting a veterinarian.
2) Go outside --> Mediating variable: Be exposed to more UVA/UVB radiation --> Get skin cancer
3) The percentage of the population developing seasonal depression and the number of days we get snow.
Spurious relationship: Both are influenced by the winter season.
A spurious relationship is when two things are connected when in reality, there is not direct correlation. An example of a spurious relationship is the number of ice creams sold and number of kids drowning in the pool. There is no actual correlation between these two things however the more ice creams that are sold, usually indicate that it is hot out, which leads people to go swimming. The more people in a pool, the more likely it is for a drowning to occur.
ReplyDeleteOvergeneralization happens when there is an exaggerated application of a stereotype of a large group, such as because this one man is sexist, all men are sexist. While it may seems like this logic makes sense, it is actually grouping potentially non-sexist men into a category just because of that one men. They should not be guilty by association. Selective observation is when you only collect and pay attention to the data that supports your own theory. This is kind of like looking at a study with blinders on, only looking for information that is consistent with your theory. Illogical reasoning is when one jumps to a conclusion that is entirely untrue and makes a connection between two unrelated variables.
ReplyDeleteQiao Mi session:0801
ReplyDelete1.vegetables are good for heath and an overgeneralization is only vegetables are good for health.
2.Illogical reasoning is: All the students who go to the reviewing class can get A in the exam.
3. Selecting observation is: The people from slum are poor and unhappy so this is a hopeless world.
4.Mediating variable is that the reasons cause a plant die may be because it does not explore under sunshine enough or does not absorb enough water.
5.Spurious relationship is like students' grades are related to the weather on the exam day.
1) An overgeneralization is using small samples of real data to make an incorrect inference. A common overgeneralization is that all engineers have bad social skills.
ReplyDelete2) A Mediating variable is a variable that explains a relation or provides a causal link between other variables. Medical care is the mediating variable for the relationship between income and life expectancy. Having money doesn’t make you live longer, but people who have more money have better medical care which results in a longer life.
3) A spurious relationship is a correlation that seems to exist but disappears when you control another variable. An example is owning a Mercedes car prevents type 2 diabetes. Both are related to a third variable, class. Having the money to own a Mercedes usually means also having access to healthy foods and health insurance.
Overgeneralization - A 7ft man averages 30 points per basketball game, hence, all 7ft men average 30 points per basketball game.
ReplyDeleteillogical reasoning - Every time I wear a white shirt the Nets win.
Selective Observation - A country observes economic growth when burning masses of oil for energy and conclude that everything should run on oil, but they don't see that it is affecting the environment.
Mediating relationship - Drunk driving causes car accidents. But it's the car crashing into a certain object that more accurately causes the accident.
Spurious relationship - If you lose your job, you'll have more mice in your house. Your house will deteriorate because of the lack of maintenance caused by the loss of income. Therefore, mice start to live in your house.
An example of overgeneralization would be if a woman gets voted president of a club then only women will get voted president of that club from then on.
ReplyDeleteAn example of illogical reasoning would be that if an athlete eats Wheaties before a game, they will win the game.
An example of selective observation would be if someone chooses to gamble at a casino and loses, all people who decide to gamble will then lose money as well.
An example of a mediating variable in a situation if we said “older people are better drivers” would be the more experience and education. We assume older people are better at driving since they’ve gained more experience and education over the many years they’ve bee driving versus younger drivers.
An example of a spurious relationship would shoe size and reading performance for elementary school students. Those who are older will have a bigger shoe size and will usually be able to read better.
Let's look at the example of the National Chicken Council (yes, this "Council" exists). If you look into their website, they only present information and data that support companies that produce chicken and endorse the consumption of chicken. Some of their articles even establish assertions, such as " The commercial chicken industry, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of all the chicken consumed in the United States, has a program to test every flock of broiler chickens before they go to market" without proper citation or source. This is an example of illogical reasoning and selective observation.
ReplyDeleteAn example of overgeneralization is when you meet one elderly person thats nice and think all old people are nice.
ReplyDeleteAn example of selective observation is that if one guy cheats on a girl, all guys are cheaters.
An example of resistance to change is seeing someone who doesn't study do well on a test but still believe that all people who don't study don't do well on tests.
Sarah Sakhi
Overgeneralization- one pit bull acted aggressively so it is believed all pit bulls are aggressive dogs.
ReplyDeleteSelective observation- deciding it is always more efficient to cook at home because it is cheaper without considering that it is time consuming.
illogical reasoning- if you sleep a full eight hours you will like eating cereal.
-Christina Asare
An example of overgeneralization is when you see a girl constantly crying, and then assume that all girls constantly cry.
ReplyDeleteAn example of illogical reasoning is when you see a dog chasing a cat, and you state that dogs are the most gentle and weak out of all animals.
An example of selective observation is when you assume that all boys (if they have girlfriends) are stronger than their girlfriends, and you only look at examples or evidence of boys being stronger than their girlfriends.
-Simon Chang
An example of overgeneralization is when you see a yellow duck and assume that all ducks are yellow in color.
ReplyDeleteAn example of illogical reasoning is when someone gets a bad grade on a test and you assume the person is naturally stupid.
An example of selective observation is when you notice more people ordering chocolate flavored ice cream because it is your favorite ice cream.
-Lakshmi Subramanian
An example of overgeneralization is: All pitbulls are violent. Although they are commonly reported as having hurt someone, not ALL pitbulls are violent.
ReplyDeleteColleen Snitzer
1) Overgeneralization example: An american goes to China and sees asian eating insects and dogs; assumes that all asian eat pets and insects only, not "real food".
ReplyDelete2) Example: I get higher chance of getting into University of Maryland because my parents are alumni compared to my friend who's parents attended college elsewhere
3) Spurious relationship: Height and test score where kids who are taller have higher intelligence compared to shorter individuals.
An example of an overgeneralization is when people say that all muslims are terrorists, when really it is just a group of extremists that want to harm people.
ReplyDeleteAn example of illogical reasoning is a student wearing a certain ring to exams and thinking that that’s why he passes his exams.
An example of a selective observation is when corporations promote their plants in other countries proposing that they are contributing to the indigenous people’s way of life by creating jobs and livelihood, whereas in reality they are actually shrouding the fact that the construction of their plant/factory leveled a small forest and will continue to pollute the native fishermen’s rivers.
Overgeneralization example: Assuming that all policemen are corrupt because of stories of corrupt policemen on the news.
ReplyDeleteIllogical Reasoning example: Assuming blondes are dumb because you heard a dumb blonde joke
Selective Observation example: Thinking that all dogs are dangerous even though your neighbor has a very friendly dog
Over Generalization example: You have few Asian friends who are good at math, then you assume that all Asians are good at math.
ReplyDeleteIllogical Reasoning example: You only know guys who play League of Legends, therefore, you assume only guys plays this game.
Selective Observation example: You are doing a research on whether or not the antibiotics is successful in preventing the bacteria from growing. For the results, you only focused on the plates that show antibiotic is effective, and ignore the ones that shows antibiotics are not effective.
Jialun Lin
i. Overgeneralization: All moms are embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteii. Illogical Reasoning: The more expensive a wedding ring is, the less likely one’s marriage will last.
iii. Selective Observation: Political ads only highlighting the good works of one candidate and bad works of another candidate.
iv. Resistance to Change: a very religious person’s view on gay marriage
v. Adherence to Authority: Listening to your parents because they are your parents even though they might be wrong.
An example of over-generalization is that all male Americans love watching football. Although true that many American males do enjoy watching football, others do not enjoy the sport.
ReplyDelete- An overgeneralization could be taking an instance from one scenario of where a cat hissed at you, and assuming that all cats are therefore mean. This is like deductive reasoning. Selective observation could be when an individual only choses to observe things or take note of things to justify their previous opinion. A spurious relationship is when two random things happen at a similar rate. The mediating variable could be what makes those two random things happen together. An example of this would be rape incidents correlating with ice cream sales. Ice cream sales do not cause rape incidents to increase, but rape incidents and ice cream sales do both increase over the summer.