Thursday, October 16, 2014

Writing Assignment Instructions

Basic Instructions:
-Approximately 5 pages
-Times New Roman, 12pt font
-Double spaced
-Use standard citations for quotations (lastname year: page#), for example: As Dr. Albrecht once said, “The best predictor of human behavior is opportunity” (Albrecht 2013: 36).

-Context: Where, when and by whom was the book written; why was it written.
-Moral: What is the point of the book; what is the author trying to accomplish.
-Summary: Provide a summary of the book, focusing on those aspects most relevant to the moral.
-10 quotations from the book
-Integrate material from class (lectures and textbook)

-Summarize the book (20 pts.)
-10 Quotations (10 pts.)
-Integrate class material (20 pts.)
-Readability (grammar, organization) (20 pts.)
-Logical conclusions (insightful observations and conclusions) (10 pts.)

-Discretionary (how well does the whole thing come together?) (20 pts.) 

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