Thursday, October 30, 2014

Exam 2 Guide

*I have finished updating the guide. Good luck on the exam.

I've added an exam 2 guide to the class folder. I will continue to add material to the guide Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Voting Rights

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Writing Assignment Instructions

Basic Instructions:
-Approximately 5 pages
-Times New Roman, 12pt font
-Double spaced
-Use standard citations for quotations (lastname year: page#), for example: As Dr. Albrecht once said, “The best predictor of human behavior is opportunity” (Albrecht 2013: 36).

-Context: Where, when and by whom was the book written; why was it written.
-Moral: What is the point of the book; what is the author trying to accomplish.
-Summary: Provide a summary of the book, focusing on those aspects most relevant to the moral.
-10 quotations from the book
-Integrate material from class (lectures and textbook)

-Summarize the book (20 pts.)
-10 Quotations (10 pts.)
-Integrate class material (20 pts.)
-Readability (grammar, organization) (20 pts.)
-Logical conclusions (insightful observations and conclusions) (10 pts.)

-Discretionary (how well does the whole thing come together?) (20 pts.) 

Exam key is in the onedrive folder

Friday, October 3, 2014

Exam Readings

The exam will be covering readings up to chapter 5. This means chapters 1, 2, 15 and 5.